
21 January 2007

Game of the Month

Starting with the issue of December 2006, the 'Game of the Month' is back in Europe-Echecs. The latest incarnation of the famous column is by Artur Yusupov (Gaige's spelling; EE's is 'Youssoupov'; some sources use 'J' instead of 'Y'; good luck on Web searches). A quick check of documents at hand turned up the following history of the column:-

Fine, ?
Euwe, Chess Review, ? < 1952-53 < ?
Gligoric, Chess Review / Chess Life, 1966-1980s
Gligoric, Europe-Echecs, 1980s-1990
Rohde, Chess Life, 1992-2006
Yusupov, 2006-

That leaves lots of blanks to be filled in, but it's a start.

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