
30 June 2007


For the last few months, 'Europe Echecs' has been running a column about Web sites and blogs written by Gérard Demuydt. Each month Demuydt features one or two sites of special interest, most of them in French.

I know Demuydt's work from one of my old 'Chess History on the Web' newsletters (2001 no.11), Site review - Culture et curiosités. The site still exists as Culture et curiosités de l'échiquier, now with Dany Sénéchaud's name attached to it ('Une rubrique magazine animée par Dany Sénéchaud'). The chess material is very good although it isn't accessible to English speakers.

In June, Demuydt's column mentioned a blog called Echecs, cinéma, TV et DVD... léger ( If you know that 'ciné' is short for 'cinéma' and that 'échecs' is French for chess, you know immediately that the blog is about chess in the movies. The posts are filled with movie stills and YouTube links. The blog is worth a visit even if your French is limited to 'RSVP'. I'm adding it to the blogs I track monthly for Blog Trekking.

The June column also mentioned the well known site Chess in the Cinema, and said that it now has a thousand references to film. How many of these clips are already on YouTube?

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