
02 September 2011

Distant Cousins?

It's probably just me, but I see a lot of similarities between this image and the previous image on Flickr Friday, Meditation on the Bishop Pair.

Ajedrez, Escultura © Flickr user Jose Betancur under Creative Commons.

Unlike the other photo, which provided no hint where it was taken, this photo had a good clue in the tag 'cartagena'. The tag group had one other photo, of a cathedral, which Google locates in Cartagena, Spain. By deduction, this is a chess sculpture in the same town of Cartagena.


Later:A few years after posting this, I found a photo of the same sculpture on another page: Chess players. The photo's tags indicated Cartagena, Colombia. This post's original Flickr link returns 'Page Not Found', although the user is still there. An image search on 'chess cartagena colombia' returns more photos of the same sculpture. As for my remark 'one other photo, of a cathedral, which Google locates in Cartagena, Spain', this was obviously incorrect.

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