Left: 'U.S. Amateur Champion'
Right: 'Bates-Fenner Set'
Chess Life
Michael Hailparn, a 32-year-old instructor of philosophy at Glassboro State College, N.J. was the clear winner of the 1964 U.S. Amateur Chess Championship at Asbury Park over the Memorial Day weekend.
Chess Review
A unique and picturesque porcelain chess set was presented to architect Ward W. Fenner of Rowayton, Conn., as a Christmas present by his daughter Virginia: the board followed a year later. Cover shows White pieces at top, Black at bottom, full set and board in the middle. [...] Photos by Virginia's husband, David D. Bates.
I found a list of U.S. Amateur Champions (rated under 2200) in the April 2007 issue of Chess Life, available online at 2006 USCF Yearbook [PDF, archive.uschess.org]. The first winner of the event was E. Schuyler Jackson, Jr. in 1942. Since there were no ratings in 1942, how was amateur eligibility determined?
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