
03 June 2014

June 1964 'On the Cover'

This month's 'On the Cover' post maybe lacks the historical interest of last month's (see May 1964 'On the Cover'), but small events and moments are just as important to chess because they can touch so many people directly.

Left: 'U.S. Amateur Champion'
Right: 'Bates-Fenner Set'

Chess Life

Michael Hailparn, a 32-year-old instructor of philosophy at Glassboro State College, N.J. was the clear winner of the 1964 U.S. Amateur Chess Championship at Asbury Park over the Memorial Day weekend.

Chess Review

A unique and picturesque porcelain chess set was presented to architect Ward W. Fenner of Rowayton, Conn., as a Christmas present by his daughter Virginia: the board followed a year later. Cover shows White pieces at top, Black at bottom, full set and board in the middle. [...] Photos by Virginia's husband, David D. Bates.

I found a list of U.S. Amateur Champions (rated under 2200) in the April 2007 issue of Chess Life, available online at 2006 USCF Yearbook [PDF,]. The first winner of the event was E. Schuyler Jackson, Jr. in 1942. Since there were no ratings in 1942, how was amateur eligibility determined?

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