
29 September 2014

TMERs: Carlsen - Anand PGN

Continuing with TMERs: Back to Carlsen - Anand, I collected the PGN for all games played by both players since the last time I updated their respective TMER (Tournament, Match, and Exhibition Record). The events and number of games -- using TWIC header data -- are shown below.

Top: Carlsen / Bottom: Anand

Carlsen's table doesn't show 'WCh 2013', because it's already recorded on his TMER (see 'Back to C - A' for the link). The two players have met five times since the Chennai match with a score of +1-1=3. The single game at slow time control was drawn. Next step: Add this index data to the TMERs.


Later: The last line for Anand -- '7th Grand Slam Masters, Bilbao ESP' -- should show six games instead of five.

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