
07 June 2015

Chess Curriculum No.6

I ended the post on the FIDE Chess Curriculum with a further action,
Now that I've rounded up the five curricula (curriculums) identified in my initial post, there are two more that deserve a look: (1) from the Kasparov Chess Foundation and (2) from Chess Cafe.

The curriculum from the Kasparov Chess Foundation is described under the 'Programs' tab.

KCF Curriculum Program: KCF’s curriculum program provides public, private, and home schoolers with instructional books to help them master the game. The three-volume book set is in use by more than 3,500 schools, across all 50 states, as well as in a number of foreign countries.

Ordering instructions are under an 'Order Our Books' link on every page. The three books are currently offered for $49.90 plaus shipping, except 'For schools that wish to receive a complimentary set of three books...'. The three books are also available elsewhere, for example, Teaching Chess Step by Step, 'The Kasparov Chess Foundation (three-volume Series) by Igor Khmelnitsky, Michael Khodarkovsky and Michael Zadorozny' []. Since I'm not a school and I don't want to shell out $60 for an unknown product when there are so many alternatives available, I'll move on.

The curriculum from Chess Cafe ('Download a free curriculum at') points to ChessEDU, where we learn,

The curriculum is designed to use chess as a tool for teaching problem-solving, creative thinking, and abstract reasoning in a classroom setting, be it in a public or private school, home school or other institution, or for personal use.

The 'Curriculum' tab asks for an email address plus basic info, then informs, 'Your message was sent successfully. Thanks. The link to the file(s) has been emailed to you.' The email carries the further message, 'Here is the download for White Belt Curriculum that you requested.'

Now that I have six different examples of a chess curriculum, it's time to compare them. That will be a separate exercise.

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