Franklin Roosevelt once said, 'We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.'
At first I was puzzled by the clip, because it seems to be providing advice to parents for a specific tournament. But what tournament?
The Good Chess Parent (5:43) 'If you're a parent, watch this video.'
Then I found another video published on the same day:-
Taken out of any context where the video might be referenced, the title is meaningless. The description said, 'Do you know everything you need for Supernationals 2017? Watch this video and find out.' Now I understood. Nearly a week later, the same channel published another video in the same series:-
Wikipedia buries the topic in a page on Scholastic chess in the United States. which is out of date:-
Beginning in 1997, there has been a single event known as the Supernationals where all events are held in one place simultaneously. [...] This event currently occurs every four years; the previous two Supernational events have shown huge participation numbers.
For more information on the forthcoming event, see SuperNationals VI (, May 12-14, 201; Nashville, TN.
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