
01 August 2019

August 1969 'On the Cover'

Last month, in July 1969 'On the Cover', we saw the Soviet World Champion from 50 years ago. This month we see two of the top American players from the same era.

Left: 'Sammy Reshevsky - Winner at Netanya' (Drawing by Bob Brandreth)
Right: 'And Still Champion!'

Chess Life

America's Sammy Reshevsky, the 58-year-old veteran of the event, won the eighth annual international tournament at Netanya, Israel, May 14-30. Reshevsky seized the lead in round two and notched seven wins and six draws to win going away, for a final score of 10-3.

Reshevsky was last seen in this series for the January 1968 'On the Cover'. The August 1969 cover story on Netanya was written by Anthony Saidy. 'Drawing by Bob Brandreth', where have we seen that before? It was for a CL story on Bent Larsen in the December 1968 'On the Cover'.

Chess Review

As with the woman's world championship, we hope to have a fuller story of the U. S. Women's championship soon. For the moment, however, we can only report that Mrs. G. K. (Peggy) Gresser performed with that skill and distinction which marked her winning the title eight times before so that, despite the handicap of one early loss, she is again our undisputed national champion.

Gresser featured on the CL side of July 1967 'On the Cover', as the '1967 U.S. Women's Champion'. As for the 'fuller stories', they never appeared in Chess Review.

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