
18 July 2011

Improve Your Chess with the Master Game

I'll take a short break from converting the Every Move Explained series, of which the most recent example was Every Move Explained - A Karpov Game, in order to implement an idea suggested by a reader of this blog. L.N. wrote,
I really enjoy your web site. It contains a lot of useful information, especially the Move by Move Explained section. As a suggestion, you may want to list the TV Series -- The Master Game -- that you outline in your blog. That would be a great addition.

The posts on the The Master Game do indeed work well with the other material on my page titled Improve Your Chess Game. First, here are links to a couple of posts explaining the format of the BBC series that ran from 1975 to 1982.

Now, here are links to a series of posts that organize the YouTube videos for a single Master Game season into sequence.

Perhaps clips for the years prior to 1980 will emerge some day, but we already have a lot of material worth viewing. Thanks again to the YouTube power users who have been uploading this historic chess material. And thanks to L.N. for the idea.


Later: Here's another post to a series titled 'Bill Hartston Speaks',

from the Streatham & Brixton blog.


Even later: I added a file for download

with PGN game scores for all of the Master Game seasons, including those without videos on YouTube. Perhaps someday the other seasons will become available.


Also: This post appeared in the Summer Of (Chess) Love blog carnival.

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