15 August 2008

State Champion on Cable TV

USA state chess champions don't get much coverage in their local newspapers. Interviews on cable TV must be exceedingly rare.

Time Out Interviews Chess Champion Adnan Kobas (Part 1) (30:08) • 'Time Out Productions interviewed three time Connecticut chess champion Adnan Kobas in 2001.'

The show starts at around 0:50. Kobas has some problems speaking English, the show has some awkward quiet moments, and the commentators make some factual errors, but the clip makes a favorable impression. I didn't watch Part 2.

Kobas' FIDE Card still lists his federation as Bosnia & Herzegovina, although he has lived in the U.S. since the mid-1990s. For more about him, see the National Scholastic Chess Foundation (NSCF) instructor profile : FM Adnan Kobas.

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