05 February 2024

The Wizard's Assistant

In the previous installment of our weekly chess comic series, The AI Generator (January 2024), we learned,

The Wizard can use his patented AI techniques to generate animals, mainly foxes, who play chess.

This is the fifth installment of the series.

The Wizard needs help for his chess activities, which mainly focus on support for the chess community -- local, regional, national, and international. He has an assistant, a much younger man, who lives in a cottage on the mansion grounds. The Wizard and his assistant meet at least once a day and often take meals together. They generally discuss the latest challenges facing the chess world, but also tackle the AI side of current events. The assistant is not an AI admirer and has strong doubts about the nefarious side of the technology.

(*) Images: AI Comic Factory (aicomicfactory.com)

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