In a recent post,
Site Stats and Adsense,
I used the server log on my personal domain to look at the relative popularity of my web pages.
Similar techniques can be used for images. I did this a few years ago in
Photos of February
(March 2015):-
One thing I've always wanted to do -- but never found the time -- is to analyze the popularity of the various images stored on the site.
I don't want to repeat that exercise here, other than to mention the most popular photo for May 2017:-

The Match That Never Was
(September 2012)
The log can also be used to follow the progress of a new post by tracking its corresponding image. Let's take, for example, my first post from May 2017 that used an image --
May 1967 'On the Cover'.
-- and follow the progress of that image from the moment of its creation. (Because it's the information provided by the link which is most important here, I'll give the URL of the referring page without converting it to a link.)
The first call of a new image is always from its directory. This is because I check the image after uploading it, in case it was somehow damaged in the process (it happens). I then copy the full URL and add it to my new post.
The next call of the new image is by the mechanism that distributes it to social media. For this CFAA blog, I see five accesses by, where a short URL expands to the full URL of the new post plus the parameters & utm_medium=facebook.
After this the new image starts to be displayed on a single page for the new post or on the home page of the blog, where the most recent post appears first.
Some time later, the image is called from various content aggregators. Here's one that appears regularly...
...and here's another that appears to be worth exploring:-
After more posts have been added to the blog, the original post starts to show up on pages of 'Older Posts'.
Since I also use my domain to store images for my other blogs, the same process applies to them. Here's the most popular image on my World Chess Championship blog for the month of May.

Che Guevara at the Havana Zonal
(January 2014)
And here's the most popular image on my Chess960 (FRC) blog for the same period.

Finding Top ICC Chess960 Players
(November 2013)
That last chess960 image, as simple as it is, was just as popular as the top CFAA images, even though the C960 blog gets about 10% of the traffic that CFAA gets. Why this popularity? My server log only tells me that nearly all of the accesses were from Google. For example, the first access of the month was from
That's pretty much normal for an investigation into site statistics. An answered question nearly always leads to new questions.