Is Ten!
A few months ago I received a comment on a post from May 2008, Chess Networking. Often when I get a comment on an old post, it's from a spammer hoping that no one is monitoring the blog's comment procedure. In those cases I just flag the comment as spam, which automatically prevents it from being seen by anyone else. This new comment was legitimate:-
Where can I find an updated version of excellent The Rise of Internet Chess? Thanks. FP
That page also dates back to another era, May 2007, exactly ten years ago. It triggered a question in my mind: what 'Internet Chess' advances over the past ten years would I mention in an updated article? My first idea was to document the history of, which (coincidentally) also started around the time I wrote 'Rise of Internet Chess', but what could I say? Then I saw the following video.'s 10-Year Anniversary Live Show Replay (59:14) • 'Published on 19 May 2017 • IM Danny Rensch plays host for's Co-Founders, Erik [Allebest] and Jay [Severson], as they relive the "story" of, recapping it's best and worst moments along the way to becoming the world's largest chess website and community in the world.'
At one point IM Rensch mentions, 'Wednesday was the official ten year anniversary', marking 17 May as the site's birthday. Happy anniversary,! You've had a great ride and a profound impact on chess around the globe. May your next ten years be just as exciting.