TCEC S22 Underway; CCC16 Blitz Nears Final
The previous report on the world's two foremost engine-vs-engine competitions was Stockfish Wins Both TCEC FRC4 and CCC16 Bullet Events (January 2022). Here's a summary of Stockfish's margins of victory:-
TCEC: In the FRC4 Final, Stockfish beat LCZero +13-9=28. The site is currently performing 'S22 - QL L4 L3 Testing'. • CCC: In the 'CCC16 Bullet Final', Stockfish beat Dragon +480-124=1016 out of 1620 games. The site is currently running its 'CCC16 Blitz Main' event with 12 engines.
The TCEC has launched its next season, eight months after the start of the previous season, reported at the time in TCEC S21 Starts; CCC 'Eco Mini-Matches' (May 2021). The CCC is approaching another final match.
TCEC: For more about FRC4, see a pair of posts on my Chess960 (FRC) blog:-
- 2022-01-22: TCEC C960 FRC4
- 2022-01-29: TCEC FRC4 Unbalanced Books
After extensive testing, the TCEC Season 22 Qualification League ('S22 QL') is underway with 14 engines. For more info, see TCEC Leagues Season 22 (
CCC: Six engines qualified from the 'CCC16 Blitz Main' event into the semifinal event, which has just ended. Stockfish, Dragon, and Lc0 finished 1-2-3, well ahead of the other engines. If 'CCC16 Blitz' follows the pattern of the previous tournament, 'CCC16 Bullet', Stockfish and Dragon will meet in the Blitz Final, just as they did in the Bullet version.
[For further information from the various stakeholders in the engine-to-engine events, see the tab 'TCEC/CCC Links' at the top of this page. • NB: Leela = LC0 = LCzero; Dragon = KomodoDragon]