09 August 2020

Chess Movie 2020

By coincidence, before I saw this trailer I had just seen the report John Leguizamo Stars in Directorial Debut Critical Thinking: Watch Powerful Trailer for Chess Drama (people.com), subtitled,

Based on a true story, Critical Thinking follows John Leguizamo as a Miami high school teacher leading his underserved students to the National Chess Championship.

'Available On Demand on Sept. 4'; I expect we'll hear more about the movie as the release date approaches.

Critical Thinking Trailer (2020) John Leguizamo, Chess Drama Movie (2:24) • '[Published on] Aug 6, 2020'

The description of the trailer didn't have much to say, but the comments did. Here are a few I particularly liked.

When the teacher came in to teach chess class that was my nap time. • You had me at 'Chess Drama Movie'. • Is this like 'Sister Act' but with a chess board? • I've seen this movie so many times. The only difference is that instead of dance, baseball, singing or football they have chess as their talent of choice. • On the lines of 'Queen of Katwe' and 'Endgame' • It’s like a dance movie but with chess. • So they basically copied from FAHIM?

The reference to FAHIM had me scratching my head but Wikipedia (in French) came to the rescue: Fahim (film; with Gérard Depardieu). It starts,

Fahim est un film français réalisé par Pierre-François Martin-Laval, sorti en 2019. Il s'agit d'un film biographique sur le joueur d'échecs franco-bengladais Fahim Mohammad.

...or as Google translates it...

Fahim is a French film directed by Pierre-François Martin-Laval, released in 2019. It is a biographical film about the Franco-Bengladian chess player Fahim Mohammad.

If you change 'Bengladian' to 'Bangladeshi', it makes more sense. That makes two movies I have to watch.

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