Disappearing Yahoos
Last month's Yahoos post, Chess960 Mania (October 2022; see the footnote for an explanation of Yahoos), raised a number of questions of vital interest to the global chess community:-
The Niemann lawsuit; the NYT puzzles; AICF pest control; will Google's 'Full Coverage' become a mainstay of chess news? There's plenty to look forward to in next month's Yahoos post.
First let's look at the numbers. Of the 100 chess stories returned by Google, 75 were for the current month, 25 for previous months.
Of the 48 different sources for the 75 current month stories, there were six sources that accounted for two stories or more. They are shown in the chart on the left.
Chess.com once again acccounted for the most stories, more than the combined total of the other five sources on the chart. For the third time in four months, Chessbase.com was runner-up, although its name changed to echo its domain name.
Now let's look at the questions from last month's Yahoos post. I promise that the discussion will be brief.
The Niemann lawsuit: Nada. Nothing. Disappeared.
The NYT puzzles: Ditto.
AICF pest control: Ditto.
Google's 'Full Coverage': Ditto.
So much for that. I'm still digesting the stories that Google did highlight, but have to run now. I'll be back later.
[Yahoos (mainstream news stories about chess) are derived from Google News top-100 (or so) stories from the past month.]
Later: We saw Google's 'Full Coverage' in two recent Yahoos posts:-
- Cheating Mania (September 2022).
- 'Chess960 Mania' (October 2022), linked in the first paragraph of the original post above.
Cheating mania continued into November. Of the 75 chess stories flagged by Google, seven focused on aspects of cheating. My favorite was this one; it has a great lead and its storyline just keeps getting better:-
- 2022-11-03: A Cheating Scandal Has Rocked the Chess World. The 'Chess Detective' Is on the Case (time.com) • 'On an October morning in Buffalo, N.Y., Professor Kenneth Regan sat down in front of his home computer, fired up Zoom, and, after some cheery pleasantries, all but accused a European chess grandmaster of cheating.'
Of the two chess960 stories in November, my favorite was this one, although with a caveat:-
- 2022-11-01: A simple rule variation could move chess out of a stalemate (popsci.com) • 'Chess960 is meant to keep the game's creativity -- and curb computers' edge.'
The caveat? Chess960 doesn't at all diminish the engine's advantage. The machines will still crush the best players in the world. Instead, it curbs their use in preparing for a specific opening : if you don't know what the start position will be, you can't prepare for it. Despite that clarification, kudos to Popular Science for introducing chess960 to a wider public.
Of the other stories I could mention, the one that gives the most mileage is this one:-
- 2022-11-03: Everything You Need To Know About Chess Culture (chess.com; Nathaniel Green)
It's packed with recommendations for different categories:-
Film & Television, YouTube & Twitch, Books & Literature, [...]
While 'Everything You Need To Know' is maybe a stretch, 'A Great Number of Things You Need To Know', isn't. See anything missing? Add a comment. There are already some excellent suggestions.